From 08a94d69ceef75fb9baa33f862dbadd5b3d85c2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Deepak Khatri <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:55:19 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Add Windows and Mac instructions todo

 boards/beaglev/ahead/02-quick-start.rst | 15 ++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/boards/beaglev/ahead/02-quick-start.rst b/boards/beaglev/ahead/02-quick-start.rst
index 1fd3b62e..ceda7311 100644
--- a/boards/beaglev/ahead/02-quick-start.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglev/ahead/02-quick-start.rst
@@ -171,27 +171,28 @@ Flash the latest image on eMMC
        First you need to install android platform tools which includes `adb` and `fastboot`.
-       - Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux users can type the following command to install ADB:
+       - Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux users can type the following command:
        .. code-block:: bash
            sudo apt-get install android-sdk-platform-tools
-       - Fedora/SUSE-based Linux users can type the following command to install ADB:
+       - Fedora/SUSE-based Linux users can type the following command:
        .. code-block:: bash 
            sudo dnf install android-tools
-       Now unzip the latest software image zip file you have downloaded from ` <>`_. 
-       The zip file has four files shown below:
+       Now unzip the latest software image zip file you have downloaded from 
+       ` <>`_ 
+       which contains four files shown below:
        .. code-block:: bash
          [lorforlinux@fedora deploy] $ ls 
          boot.ext4  root.ext4  u-boot-with-spl.bin
        .. important:: Make sure your board is in flash mode, you can follow the guide above to do that.
        To flash the board you just have to exexute the script `` as root and provide your passoword:
@@ -205,8 +206,12 @@ Flash the latest image on eMMC
     .. group-tab:: Windows
+        .. todo:: add instructions for flashing in windows.
     .. group-tab:: Mac
+        .. todo:: add instructions for flashing in Mac.
 Connect USB gadgets