From 4de0e5769c670ea9faa66c024342a00326188877 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Deepak Khatri <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2022 01:45:50 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Update rst cheat sheet

 intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 207 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst b/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst
index 1adb70a9..4f472270 100644
--- a/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst
+++ b/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,33 @@
 ReStructuredText Cheat Sheet
-BeagleBoard docs is mostly written with ReStructuredText (r) docs site uses ReStructuredText (rst) which is a file format [#]_ for textual data used primarily 
+in the Python programming language community for technical documentation. It is part of the Docutils 
+project of the Python Doc-SIG, aimed at creating a set of tools for Python similar to Javadoc for Java 
+or Plain Old Documentation for Perl. If you are new with rst you may go through this rst cheat sheet [#]_ [#]_ [#]_
+chapter to gain enough skills to edit and update any page on the docs site. some things 
+you should keep in mind while working with rst,
+1. like Python, RST syntax is sensitive to indentation !
+2. RST requires blank lines between paragraphs
+Text formatting
+With asterisk you can fomat the text as italic & bold,
+1. Sinlge asterisk (``*``) like ``*emphasis*`` gives you *italic text*
+2. Double asterisk (``**``) like ``**strong emphasis**`` gives you **blod text**
+With backquote character (`) you can format the text as link & inline literal.
+1. See `Links`_ section on how single backquote can be used to create a link linke `this <>`_.
+2. With double back quotes before and after text you can easily create ``inline lierals``.
+.. note::
+    backquote can be found below escape key on most keyboards.
@@ -40,4 +66,184 @@ more) the at least of the heading text, for example:
         <2> Shows the correct way of setting the document title (H1) with ``#``.
+For adding a code snippet you can use tab indentation to start. For more refined code snippet display
+we have the ``code-block`` and ``literalinclude`` directives as shown below.
+This the simplest way of adding code snippet in ReStructuredText.
+.. callout::
+    .. code-block:: ReStructuredText
+        This is python code:: <1>
+            <2>
+            import numpy as np <3>
+            import math
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> Provide title of your code snippet and add ``::`` after the text.
+        <2> Empty line after the title is required for this to work.
+        <3> Start adding your code.
+This is python code::
+    import numpy as np 
+    import math
+Code block
+Simple indentation only supports python program highlighting but, with code block you can 
+specify which language is your code written in. ``code-block`` also provides better readability 
+and line numbers support you can useas shown below.
+.. callout::
+    .. code-block:: ReStructuredText
+        .. code-block:: python <1>
+            :linenos: <2>
+            import numpy as np <3>
+            import math
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> Start with adding ``.. code-block::`` and then add language of code like python, bash, javascript, etc.
+        <2> Optionally, you can enable line numbers for your code.
+        <3> Start adding your code.
+.. code-block:: python
+    :linenos: 
+    import numpy as np
+    import math
+Literal include
+To include the entire code or a code snippet from a program file you can use this directive.
+.. callout::
+    .. code-block:: ReStructuredText
+        .. literalinclude:: filename.cpp <1>
+            :caption: <2>
+            :linenos: <3>
+            :language: C++ <4>
+            :lines: 2, 4-7 <5>
+            :start-after: 4 <6>
+            :end-before: 7 <7>
+            :lineno-start: 113 <8>
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> Provide the code file destination.
+        <2> Provide caption for the code.
+        <3> Enable line numbers.
+        <4> Set programming language.
+        <5> Cherry pick some lines from a big program file.
+        <6> Display the code snippet from a specific line number.
+        <7> Set a specific line number as end of code snippet.
+        <8> Instead of starting line number from 1 start it with some other number. It's useful when you use :lines:, :start-after:, and :end-before:.
+We have three types of links to use in sphinx,
+1. External links (http(s) links).
+2. Implicit links to title (within same rst file).
+3. Explicit links (labels that can be used anywhere in the project).
+External links
+For a simple link to a site the format is
+.. code-block:: rst
+    `<>`_
+this will be rendered as `<>`_. 
+You can also include a label to the link as shown below.
+.. code-block:: rst
+    ` <>`_
+this will be rendered as ` <>`_. 
+Implicit Links
+These are basically the headings inside the rst page which can 
+be used as a link to that section within document. 
+.. code-block:: rst
+    `Links`_
+when rendered it becomes `Links`_
+Explicit link
+These are special links you can assign to a specific part of the document and reference anywhere 
+in the project unlike implicit links which can be used only within the document they are defined. 
+On top of each page you'll see some text like ``.. _rst-cheat-sheet:`` is used to create a
+label for this chapter. These are called the explicit links amd you can reference these using two methods.
+.. code-block:: rst
+    :linenos:
+    rst-cheat-sheet_
+.. code-block:: rst
+    :linenos:
+    :lineno-start: 2
+    :ref:`<rst-cheat-sheet>`_
+Both can be used inside/outside of the document and the rendered link will take you directly to that specific segment.
+.. rubric:: footnotes
+.. [#] `reStructuredText wiki page <>`_
+.. [#] `Sphinx and RST syntax guide (0.9.3) <>`_
+.. [#] `Quick reStructuredText (sourceforge) <>`_
+.. [#] `A two-page cheatsheet for restructured text <>`_
\ No newline at end of file