diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index aa7870b204dd9ddff6fc071fc35debe46be42f11..e3fd83d657efdb56f3bfe43765793001de96437e 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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--- a/boards/beaglebone/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglebone/index.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _beaglebone-blue-home::
 BeagleBone (all)
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneLoadCapeA2-400x290.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneMotorCapeA2-400x281.png b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneMotorCapeA2-400x281.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bdae2f4f6cb95e768ddc8f8f72381acb504b738
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneMotorCapeA2-400x281.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/BeagleBonePowerCapeA2-400x285.png b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBonePowerCapeA2-400x285.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..897f22481a2263972ded68ba4b4807b99f55b42b
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBonePowerCapeA2-400x285.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a38a966567037518722c01f9456cf5c27de4964
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneProtoCapeA2-e1622405187534.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneRelayCapeA2-400x274.png b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneRelayCapeA2-400x274.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ec546cc4476ffe9d757df8277a9c46002332261
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneRelayCapeA2-400x274.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneServoCapeA2_Top_NEW-400x332.png b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneServoCapeA2_Top_NEW-400x332.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d678324a2e9d22b161d6c9e5fe342c4e2e40331
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneServoCapeA2_Top_NEW-400x332.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_GamePup-400x410.png b/boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_GamePup-400x410.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8eeb8995ddcb280e9e25cce50139b50170577e36
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_GamePup-400x410.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_TechLab-400x212.png b/boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_TechLab-400x212.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1595c72e1a9d7f1948d4765e0b98e172a3ea4575
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_TechLab-400x212.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/fan-cape-400x299.png b/boards/capes/images/fan-cape-400x299.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70e34313470feb206f3c0f300d1bce75ec113e66
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/fan-cape-400x299.png differ
diff --git a/boards/capes/images/pb-grove-kit-400x267.png b/boards/capes/images/pb-grove-kit-400x267.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ebf8d8ce087fe7cd8c2e2ea9df8ea3a6125c766
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/capes/images/pb-grove-kit-400x267.png differ
diff --git a/boards/images/BBwhite.jpg b/boards/images/BBwhite.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ca517c0d089f66896a2b4e907d259ede86812a7
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/BBwhite.jpg differ
diff --git a/boards/images/BeagleBoneBlackWireless-Angled-400x268.png b/boards/images/BeagleBoneBlackWireless-Angled-400x268.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffbbac93f83eaeab6a9d247df51fa75ebacdb77c
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/BeagleBoneBlackWireless-Angled-400x268.png differ
diff --git a/boards/images/bb-industrial-400x356.png b/boards/images/bb-industrial-400x356.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7012bc84222b1b2b6cd1e9b7f79ff39a5379e908
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/bb-industrial-400x356.png differ
diff --git a/boards/images/beaglebone-ai-400x208.png b/boards/images/beaglebone-ai-400x208.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49f9f066e49f8bb55f8b8f16e17abd1919552abd
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/beaglebone-ai-400x208.png differ
diff --git a/boards/images/beaglebone-ai.webp b/boards/images/beaglebone-ai.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00070259a2c6df561c6696a85fa81c75091983c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/beaglebone-ai.webp differ
diff --git a/boards/images/beaglebone-black-400x400.png b/boards/images/beaglebone-black-400x400.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0616738a5d0c1746a5a82ed33d171baf4c4e2674
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/beaglebone-black-400x400.png differ
diff --git a/boards/images/beaglebone-blue-400x279.png b/boards/images/beaglebone-blue-400x279.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d635ae93fdab061eb78f8e23100fc0db932d830
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/beaglebone-blue-400x279.png differ
diff --git a/boards/images/pocketBeagle-hero-hand-400x222.png b/boards/images/pocketBeagle-hero-hand-400x222.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5c22a6cb0ed12ea07cdf151ebd3414d9117c57d
Binary files /dev/null and b/boards/images/pocketBeagle-hero-hand-400x222.png differ
diff --git a/index.rst b/index.rst
index 873e6540fc681a62f7007fd364d705c6f8085be9..3bab13e27df13423ba8746213a790385de934ef3 100644
--- a/index.rst
+++ b/index.rst
@@ -43,6 +43,249 @@ from source using appropriate design tools.
 * Check out our latest board at: `BeagleBone AI-64 </boards/beaglebone/ai-64>`__
 * Find all of our on: `our boards page </boards/index>`__
+.. grid:: 1 1 1 2
+   :margin: 4 4 0 0
+   :gutter: 4
+   .. grid-item-card:: 
+      :link: beagleboneblack-home
+      :link-type: ref
+      **BeagleBone® Black**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/images/beaglebone-black-400x400.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      1GHz Single-Board Linux Computer based on ARM Cortex-A8 with PRU 
+      microcontrollers and tons of features like Ethernet and HDMI – 
+      credit card sized with over a decade of support, software and 
+      materials behind it making it ready for any application.
+   .. grid-item-card:: 
+      :link: beagleboneblack-home
+      :link-type: ref
+      **BeagleBone® Black Industrial**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/images/bb-industrial-400x356.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Answer the need for an industrial rated single board computer with extended 
+      temperature range with the same functionality as the popular BeagleBone Black®
+   .. grid-item-card:: 
+      :link: beagleboneblack-home
+      :link-type: ref
+      **BeagleBone® Black Wireless**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/images/BeagleBoneBlackWireless-Angled-400x268.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      With built-in 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless networking capability, 
+      the popular open source BeagleBone® Black computer goes anywhere. Take your IoT and 
+      IIoT projects to the next level with a full Linux computer the size of a mint tin.
+   .. grid-item-card:: 
+      :link: beaglebone-ai-home
+      :link-type: ref
+      **BeagleBone® AI**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/images/beaglebone-ai-400x208.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Filling the gap between small SBCs and more powerful industrial computers, 
+      BeagleBone® AI, based on the AM5729, makes it easy to explore how artificial 
+      intelligence can be used in every day life. Powerful compute performance and software support.
+   .. grid-item-card:: 
+      :link: pocketbeagle-home
+      :link-type: ref
+      **PocketBeagle®**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/images/pocketBeagle-hero-hand-400x222.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      This ultra-tiny-yet-complete open-source USB-key-fob computer has the same processor 
+      as the BeagleBone® Black at one third the size. Give small projects the Linux computer 
+      they deserve. Hundreds of example projects to help you get started.
+   .. grid-item-card:: 
+      :link: beaglebone-blue-home
+      :link-type: ref
+      BeagleBone® Blue
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/images/beaglebone-blue-400x279.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      An all-in-one Linux-based robotics computer with compatibility to BeagleBone® Black and 
+      tons of integration including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IMU/barometer, power regulation, H-Bridges, 
+      motor connectors and more. Robotics made streamlined, affordable and fun.
+.. grid:: 1 1 1 2
+   :margin: 4 4 0 0
+   :gutter: 4
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Servo Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneServoCapeA2_Top_NEW-400x332.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Control up to 16 servos for many remote control, robotics or automation projects
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Fan Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/fan-cape-400x299.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Keeps BeagleBone® cool under heavy operating loads while still providing easy 
+      access to the headers. Essential for BeagleBone® AI Projects
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Robotics Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BBB_RoboticsCape-400x368.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Loaded with features needed for mobile robotics supporting 
+      movement, sensing, power management and communication
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Relay Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneRelayCapeA2-400x274.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Control things like lights, pumps and more in any home 
+      automation project quickly with 4 relay switches
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Proto Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneProtoCapeA2-e1622405187534.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Provides a blank slate including a grid of plated through-holes for external 
+      components and supportive buttons and LEDs
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Power Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BeagleBonePowerCapeA2-400x285.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Provides a complete power interface with regulated 3.3V and 5V out as well as up to 30V input voltage
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Load Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneLoadCapeA2-400x290.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Drive high-current loads like relays, motors, solenoids, and high current LEDs
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Motor Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneMotorCapeA2-400x281.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Drive up to 4 DC motors with direction and PWM control
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Comms Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/BeagleBoneCommsCapeA2-400x279.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Quickly develop industrial communication applications with an array of protocols including RS485 and CAN
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® GamePup Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_GamePup-400x410.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      For making a handheld arcade emulator, your own games or otherwise taking your PocketBeagle 
+      on the go, PocketBeagle® GamePup provides all the features you need in a slick shape for gaming
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® Grove Kit**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/pb-grove-kit-400x267.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      A complete kit for developing projects with PocketBeagle® and Grove modules. Great for 
+      teaching embedded processing and Linux development. Comes complete with PocketBeagle® 
+      as well as Grove Cape and 10 modules to get started.
+   .. grid-item-card::
+      **BeagleBone® TechLab Cape**
+      ^^^
+      .. image:: boards/capes/images/PocketBeagle_TechLab-400x212.png
+         :align: center
+      +++
+      Designed with years of educational lessons-learned in mind, PocketBeagle® TechLab 
+      Cape delivers easy introduction to programming, Linux and even hacking the kernel 
+      itself. Supported by teaching materials from the Linux Foundation and eALE.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1