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  • Vaishnav Achath's avatar
    update for write protection and fixed/variable manifests · 2559b36f
    Vaishnav Achath authored and Vaishnav Achath's avatar Vaishnav Achath committed
    fixed manifest will be written at production time and be made write protected
    write protection is disabled since it is irreversible (uncomment to enable)
    fixed manifest will be same as variable manifest for clicks with driver at production
    variable manifest can b changed later when linux driver is available later or when driver has an update
    variable manifest will be stored starting from next block after writing fixed manifest at address 0x0000
    algorithm for reading manifest:
    	read user eeprom byte(0x0A0A), this byte has start address of variable manifest(if this byte = 0, this means no variable manifest)
    	if (variable manifest available)
    		read variable manifest and continue with mikrobus probe
    	else (read fixed manfifest at addr 0x0000)
    		enable via userspace using information in fixed manfiest
    Zephyr Log:
    uart:~$ *** Booting Zephyr OS version 2.4.99  ***
    mikrobus: writing mikrobus fixed manifest at 0x0
    <inf> mikrobus: mikrobus fixed manifest r...