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Commit 9301b1fb authored by Jason Kridner's avatar Jason Kridner
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Merge branch 'main' of

parents 624b6e8d 83f0d0f1
1 merge request!175PB2 documentation and UI changes
with 575 additions and 416 deletions
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...@@ -3,49 +3,43 @@ ...@@ -3,49 +3,43 @@
Demos & tutorials Demos & tutorials
################# #################
.. raw:: latex .. only:: html
\begin{comment} .. card::
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-using-micropython
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-using-micropython
:link-type: ref **Using MicroPython**
**Using MicroPython** Getting started with micropython on your BeagleConnect board.
^^^ +++
Getting started with micropython on your BeagleConnect board. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
beginner .. card::
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-using-zephyr
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-using-zephyr
:link-type: ref **Using Zephyr**
**Using Zephyr** Getting started with Zephyr on your BeagleConnect board.
^^^ +++
Getting started with Zephyr on your BeagleConnect board. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
beginner .. card::
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-using-greybus
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-using-greybus
:link-type: ref **Using greybus**
**Using greybus** Getting started with greybus on your BeagleConnect board.
^^^ +++
Getting started with greybus on your BeagleConnect board. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
.. raw:: latex
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1 :maxdepth: 1
...@@ -30,111 +30,105 @@ over-the-air upgrades (OTA) capability. This MCU provides flexible support for m ...@@ -30,111 +30,105 @@ over-the-air upgrades (OTA) capability. This MCU provides flexible support for m
* For export, emissions and other compliance, see :ref:`beagleconnect-freedom-support` * For export, emissions and other compliance, see :ref:`beagleconnect-freedom-support`
* All support for BeagleConnect Freedom design is through community at ` forum <>`_. * All support for BeagleConnect Freedom design is through community at ` forum <>`_.
.. raw:: latex .. only:: html
.. grid:: 1 1 2 2
:margin: 4 4 0 0
:gutter: 4
.. grid-item-card::
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-introduction
:link-type: ref
**1. Introduction** .. grid:: 1 1 2 2
^^^ :margin: 4 4 0 0
:gutter: 4
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/01-introduction.* .. grid-item-card::
:align: center :link: beagleconnect-freedom-introduction
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter1 thumbnail :link-type: ref
Introduction to BeagleConnect™ Freedom. **1. Introduction**
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/01-introduction.*
:align: center
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter1 thumbnail
.. grid-item-card:: Introduction to BeagleConnect™ Freedom.
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-quick-start
:link-type: ref
**2. Quick start**
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/02-quick-start.* .. grid-item-card::
:align: center :link: beagleconnect-freedom-quick-start
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter2 thumbnail :link-type: ref
+++ **2. Quick start**
Getting started guide and tutorials. .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/02-quick-start.*
:align: center
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter2 thumbnail
.. grid-item-card:: +++
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-design
:link-type: ref
**3. Design & Specifications** Getting started guide and tutorials.
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/03-design-and-specifications.* .. grid-item-card::
:align: center :link: beagleconnect-freedom-design
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter3 thumbnail :link-type: ref
+++ **3. Design & Specifications**
Hardware and mechanical design and specifications of the BeagleConnect Freedom .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/03-design-and-specifications.*
board and enclosure for those who want to know their board inside and out. :align: center
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter3 thumbnail
.. grid-item-card:: +++
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-expansion
:link-type: ref
**4. Expansion** Hardware and mechanical design and specifications of the BeagleConnect Freedom
^^^ board and enclosure for those who want to know their board inside and out.
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/04-connectors-and-pinouts.* .. grid-item-card::
:align: center :link: beagleconnect-freedom-expansion
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter4 thumbnail :link-type: ref
+++ **4. Expansion**
Connector pinout diagrams with expansion details so that you can .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/04-connectors-and-pinouts.*
easily debug your connections and create custom expansion hardware. :align: center
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter4 thumbnail
.. grid-item-card:: +++
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-demos
:link-type: ref
**5. Demos & tutorials** Connector pinout diagrams with expansion details so that you can
^^^ easily debug your connections and create custom expansion hardware.
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/05-demos-and-tutorials.* .. grid-item-card::
:align: center :link: beagleconnect-freedom-demos
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter5 thumbnail :link-type: ref
+++ **5. Demos & tutorials**
Demos and tutorials to quickly learn about the BeagleConnect capabilities. .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/05-demos-and-tutorials.*
:align: center
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter5 thumbnail
.. grid-item-card:: +++
:link: beagleconnect-freedom-support
:link-type: ref
**6. Support** Demos and tutorials to quickly learn about the BeagleConnect capabilities.
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/06-support-documents.* .. grid-item-card::
:align: center :link: beagleconnect-freedom-support
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter6 thumbnail :link-type: ref
+++ **6. Support**
Additional supporting information, images, documents, change history and .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/06-support-documents.*
hardware & software repositories including issue trackers. :align: center
:alt: BeagleConnect™ Freedom Chapter6 thumbnail
.. raw:: latex +++
\end{comment} Additional supporting information, images, documents, change history and
hardware & software repositories including issue trackers.
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1 :maxdepth: 1
...@@ -3,143 +3,137 @@ ...@@ -3,143 +3,137 @@
Demos and tutorials Demos and tutorials
#################### ####################
.. raw:: latex .. only:: html
\begin{comment} .. card::
:link: beagleplay-serial-console
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-serial-console
:link-type: ref **Using serial console**
**Using serial console** Learn how to use any USB-UART converter to get access to BeaglePlay via serial console.
^^^ +++
Learn how to use any USB-UART converter to get access to BeaglePlay via serial console. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
beginner .. card::
:link: beagleplay-connect-wifi
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-connect-wifi
:link-type: ref **Connecting WiFi**
**Connecting WiFi** Learn different ways to connect your BeaglePlay to a WiFi access point.
^^^ +++
Learn different ways to connect your BeaglePlay to a WiFi access point. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
beginner .. card::
:link: beagleplay-grove
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-grove
:link-type: ref **Using grove**
**Using grove** Learn to expand your BeaglePlay capabilities with grove modules.
^^^ +++
Learn to expand your BeaglePlay capabilities with grove modules. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
beginner .. card::
:link: beagleplay-mikrobus
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-mikrobus
:link-type: ref **Using mikroBUS**
**Using mikroBUS** Learn to expand your BeaglePlay capabilities via 1000s of mikroBUS click board support.
^^^ +++
Learn to expand your BeaglePlay capabilities via 1000s of mikroBUS click board support. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
beginner .. card::
:link: beagleplay-qwiic
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-qwiic
:link-type: ref **Using Qwiic**
**Using Qwiic** Learn to expand your BeaglePlay capabilities via Qwiic I2C boards.
^^^ +++
Learn to expand your BeaglePlay capabilities via Qwiic I2C boards. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level beginner
beginner .. card::
:link: beagleplay-oldi
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-oldi
:link-type: ref **Using OLDI**
**Using OLDI** Learn how to connect and run oldi displays with BeaglePlay.
^^^ +++
Learn how to connect and run oldi displays with BeaglePlay. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level intermediate
intermediate .. card::
:link: beagleplay-csi
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-csi
:link-type: ref **Using CSI**
**Using CSI** Learn how to connect and run CSI cameras with BeaglePlay.
^^^ +++
Learn how to connect and run CSI cameras with BeaglePlay. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level intermediate
intermediate .. card::
:link: beagleplay-zephyr-development
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-zephyr-development
:link-type: ref **Zephyr development**
**Zephyr development** Compile and flash zephyr to your beagleplay's CC1352P7.
^^^ +++
Compile and flash zephyr to your beagleplay's CC1352P7. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level intermediate
intermediate .. card::
:link: play-kernel-development
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: play-kernel-development
:link-type: ref **Linux Kernel development**
**Linux Kernel development** Compile and install Linux Kernel to your beagleplay.
^^^ +++
Compile and install Linux Kernel to your beagleplay. .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level advanced
advanced .. card::
:link: greybus-host
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: greybus-host
:link-type: ref **BeaglePlay Greybus Host**
**BeaglePlay Greybus Host** .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level intermediate
intermediate .. card::
:link: beagleplay-demo-lpm-video
.. card:: :link-type: ref
:link: beagleplay-demo-lpm-video
:link-type: ref **Using Suspend to RAM and video streaming**
**Using Suspend to RAM and video streaming** Make a DIY video doorbell which can stream video and also save power when left idle!
^^^ +++
Make a DIY video doorbell which can stream video and also save power when left idle! .. admonition:: Complexity level
.. admonition:: Complexity level intermediate
.. raw:: latex
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1 :maxdepth: 1
...@@ -30,112 +30,106 @@ sensors, actuators, indicators, human interfaces, and connectivity to a reliable ...@@ -30,112 +30,106 @@ sensors, actuators, indicators, human interfaces, and connectivity to a reliable
| :alt: BeaglePlay | :alt: BeaglePlay | | :alt: BeaglePlay | :alt: BeaglePlay |
+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+
.. raw:: latex .. only:: html
.. grid:: 1 1 2 2 .. grid:: 1 1 2 2
:margin: 4 4 0 0 :margin: 4 4 0 0
:gutter: 4 :gutter: 4
.. grid-item-card:: .. grid-item-card::
:link: beagleplay-introduction :link: beagleplay-introduction
:link-type: ref :link-type: ref
**1. Introduction** **1. Introduction**
^^^ ^^^
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/01-introduction.* .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/01-introduction.*
:align: center :align: center
:alt: BeaglePlay Chapter01 thumbnail :alt: BeaglePlay Chapter01 thumbnail
+++ +++
Introduction to BeaglePlay board with information on each component Introduction to BeaglePlay board with information on each component
location on both front and back of the board. location on both front and back of the board.
.. grid-item-card:: .. grid-item-card::
:link: beagleplay-quick-start :link: beagleplay-quick-start
:link-type: ref :link-type: ref
**2. Quick start** **2. Quick start**
^^^ ^^^
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/02-quick-start.* .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/02-quick-start.*
:align: center :align: center
:alt: BeaglePlay Chapter02 thumbnail :alt: BeaglePlay Chapter02 thumbnail
+++ +++
Getting started guide to enable you to start building your projects Getting started guide to enable you to start building your projects
in no time. in no time.
.. grid-item-card:: .. grid-item-card::
:link: beagleplay-design :link: beagleplay-design
:link-type: ref :link-type: ref
**3. Design & Specifications** **3. Design & Specifications**
^^^ ^^^
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/03-design-and-specifications.* .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/03-design-and-specifications.*
:align: center :align: center
:alt: BeaglePlay Chapter03 thumbnail :alt: BeaglePlay Chapter03 thumbnail
+++ +++
Hardware and mechanical design and specifications of the BeaglePlay board Hardware and mechanical design and specifications of the BeaglePlay board
for those who want to know their board inside and out. for those who want to know their board inside and out.
.. grid-item-card:: .. grid-item-card::
:link: beagleplay-expansion :link: beagleplay-expansion
:link-type: ref :link-type: ref
**4. Expansion** **4. Expansion**
^^^ ^^^
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/04-connectors-and-pinouts.* .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/04-connectors-and-pinouts.*
:align: center :align: center
:alt: BeaglePlay Chapter04 thumbnail :alt: BeaglePlay Chapter04 thumbnail
+++ +++
Connector pinout diagrams with expansion details so that you can Connector pinout diagrams with expansion details so that you can
easily debug your connections and create custom expansion hardware. easily debug your connections and create custom expansion hardware.
.. grid-item-card:: .. grid-item-card::
:link: beagleplay-demos :link: beagleplay-demos
:link-type: ref :link-type: ref
**5. Demos** **5. Demos**
^^^ ^^^
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/05-demos-and-tutorials.* .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/05-demos-and-tutorials.*
:align: center :align: center
:alt: BeaglePlay Chapter5 thumbnail :alt: BeaglePlay Chapter5 thumbnail
+++ +++
Demos and tutorials to quickly learn about the BeaglePlay capabilities. Demos and tutorials to quickly learn about the BeaglePlay capabilities.
.. grid-item-card:: .. grid-item-card::
:link: beagleplay-support :link: beagleplay-support
:link-type: ref :link-type: ref
**6. Support** **6. Support**
^^^ ^^^
.. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/06-support-documents.* .. image:: images/chapter-thumbnails/06-support-documents.*
:align: center :align: center
:alt: BeaglePlay Chapter6 thumbnail :alt: BeaglePlay Chapter6 thumbnail
+++ +++
Additional supporting information, images, documents, change history and Additional supporting information, images, documents, change history and
hardware & software repositories including issue trackers. hardware & software repositories including issue trackers.
.. raw:: latex
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1 :maxdepth: 1
...@@ -23,11 +23,9 @@ I/O and control, a 50 GFlop GPU, video and vision accelerators, and other specia ...@@ -23,11 +23,9 @@ I/O and control, a 50 GFlop GPU, video and vision accelerators, and other specia
+=======================+=========================================================================================================================================================+ +=======================+=========================================================================================================================================================+
| Processor | Texas Instruments AM67A, Quad 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53 @1.4 GHz, multiple cores including Arm/GPU processors, DSP, and vision/deep learning accelerators | | Processor | Texas Instruments AM67A, Quad 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53 @1.4 GHz, multiple cores including Arm/GPU processors, DSP, and vision/deep learning accelerators |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| RAM | 4GB LPDDR4 | | RAM | 4GB LPDDR4 (x32) |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Wi-Fi | Beagleboard BM3301, 802.11ax Wi-Fi | | Wi-Fi/Bluetooth | BeagleMod BM3301, 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.4 |
| Bluetooth | Bluetooth Low Energy 5.4 (BLE) |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| USB Ports | 4 x USB 3.0 TypeA ports supporting simultaneous 5Gbps operation, 1 x USB 2.0 TypeC, supports USB 2.0 device mode | | USB Ports | 4 x USB 3.0 TypeA ports supporting simultaneous 5Gbps operation, 1 x USB 2.0 TypeC, supports USB 2.0 device mode |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
...@@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ I/O and control, a 50 GFlop GPU, video and vision accelerators, and other specia ...@@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ I/O and control, a 50 GFlop GPU, video and vision accelerators, and other specia
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Camera/Display | 2 x 4-lane MIPI camera connector (one connector muxed with DSI capability) | | Camera/Display | 2 x 4-lane MIPI camera connector (one connector muxed with DSI capability) |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Display Output | 1 x HDMI display, 1 x OLDI display, 1 x DSI MIPI Display | | Display Output | 1 x HDMI display, 1 x OLDI display, 1 x DSI MIPI Display (DSI muxed with 1 CSI) |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Real-time Clock (RTC) | Supports external coin-cell battery for power failure time retention | | Real-time Clock (RTC) | Supports external coin-cell battery for power failure time retention |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
...@@ -56,80 +54,79 @@ I/O and control, a 50 GFlop GPU, video and vision accelerators, and other specia ...@@ -56,80 +54,79 @@ I/O and control, a 50 GFlop GPU, video and vision accelerators, and other specia
| Tag Connect | 1 x JTAG, 1 x External PMIC programming port | | Tag Connect | 1 x JTAG, 1 x External PMIC programming port |
+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
========= =========
.. todo:: Add AM67A SoC details .. todo:: Add AM67A SoC details
Board components location Board components location
========================== ***************************
.. tabs:: Front components
.. group-tab:: Front
.. figure:: images/components-location/front.*
.. figure:: images/components-location/front.* :width: 1400
:width: 1400 :align: center
:align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI board front components location
:alt: BeagleY-AI board front components location
.. table:: BeagleY-AI board front components location
.. table:: BeagleY-AI board front components location :align: center
:align: center
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Feature | Description |
| Feature | Description | +======================+===================================================================================================================+
+======================+===================================================================================================================+ | WiFi/BLE | Beagleboard BM3301 with 802.11ax Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Low Energy 5.4 (BLE) |
| WiFi/BLE | Beagleboard BM3301 with 802.11ax Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Low Energy 5.4 (BLE) | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | RAM | 4GB LPDDR4 |
| RAM | 4GB LPDDR4 | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Expansion | 40pin Expansion header compatible with HATs |
| Expansion | 40pin Expansion header compatible with HATs | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SoC | TI AM67A Arm®Cortex®-A53 4 TOPS vision SoC with RGB-IR ISP for 4 cameras, machine vision, robotics, and smart HMI |
| SoC | TI AM67A Arm®Cortex®-A53 4 TOPS vision SoC with RGB-IR ISP for 4 cameras, machine vision, robotics, and smart HMI | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fan | 4pin Fan connector |
| Fan | 4pin Fan connector | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | USB-A | 4 x USB 3 TypeA ports supporting simultaneous 5Gbps operation host ports |
| USB-A | 4 x USB 3 TypeA ports supporting simultaneous 5Gbps operation host ports | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Network Connectivity | Gigabit Ethernet |
| Network Connectivity | Gigabit Ethernet | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PoE | Power over Ethernet HAT connector |
| PoE | Power over Ethernet HAT connector | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Camera/Display | 1 x 4-lane MIPI camera/display transceivers, 1 x 4-lane MIPI camera |
| Camera/Display | 1 x 4-lane MIPI camera/display transceivers, 1 x 4-lane MIPI camera | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Debug UART | 1 x 3-pin JST-SH 1.0mm debug UART port |
| Debug UART | 1 x 3-pin JST-SH 1.0mm debug UART port | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Display Output | 1 x HDMI display |
| Display Output | 1 x HDMI display | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | USB-C | 1 x Type-C port for power, and supports USB 2 device |
| USB-C | 1 x Type-C port for power, and supports USB 2 device | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PMIC | Power Management Integrated Circuit for 5V/5A DC power via USB-C with Power Delivery support |
| PMIC | Power Management Integrated Circuit for 5V/5A DC power via USB-C with Power Delivery support | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bicolor LED | Indicator LED |
| Bicolor LED | Indicator LED | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Power button | ON/OFF button |
| Power button | ON/OFF button | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PCIe | PCI-Express® Gen3 x 1 interface for fast peripherals (requires separate M.2 HAT or other adapter) |
| PCIe | PCI-Express® Gen3 x 1 interface for fast peripherals (requires separate M.2 HAT or other adapter) | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Back components
.. group-tab:: Back ================
.. figure:: images/components-location/back.* .. figure:: images/components-location/back.*
:width: 1400 :width: 1400
:align: center :align: center
:alt: BeagleY-AI board back components location :alt: BeagleY-AI board back components location
.. table:: BeagleY-AI board back components location .. table:: BeagleY-AI board back components location
:align: center :align: center
+----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
| Feature | Description | | Feature | Description |
+================+===========================================================+ +================+===========================================================+
| Tag-Connect | 1 x JTAG & 1 x Tag Connect for PMIC NVM Programming | | Tag-Connect | 1 x JTAG & 1 x Tag Connect for PMIC NVM Programming |
+----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
| Display output | 1 x OLDI display | | Display output | 1 x OLDI display |
+----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
| Storage | microSD card slot with support for high-speed SDR104 mode | | Storage | microSD card slot with support for high-speed SDR104 mode |
+----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
...@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@ What's included in the box? ...@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@ What's included in the box?
When you purchase a BeagleY-AI, you'll get the following in the box: When you purchase a BeagleY-AI, you'll get the following in the box:
1. `BeagleY-AI <>`_ 1. `BeagleY-AI <>`_
2. JST-SH cables 2. 2.4GHz antennas
3. 2.4GHz antennas 3. Quick-start card
4. Quick-start card
.. tip:: For board files, 3D model, and more, you can checkout the `BeagleY-AI repository on OpenBeagle <>`_. .. tip:: For board files, 3D model, and more, you can checkout the `BeagleY-AI repository on OpenBeagle <>`_.
.. _beagley-ai-design: .. _beagley-ai-design:
Design and specifications Design and specifications
######################### #########################
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Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions & Weight
.. table:: Dimensions & weight
| Parameter | Value |
| Size | 85 x 56 x 20 mm |
| Max heigh | 20mm |
| PCB Size | 85 x 56 mm |
| PCB Layers | 14 layers |
| PCB Thickness | 1.6mm |
| RoHS compliant | Yes |
| Gross Weight | 110 g |
| Net Weight | 50 g |
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ Export designations ...@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ Export designations
Size and weight Size and weight
=============== ===============
* Bare board dimensions: **TBD** * Bare board dimensions: 85 x 56 x 20 mm
* Bare board weight: **TBD** * Bare board weight: 50 g
* Full package dimensions: **TBD** * Full package dimensions: 140 x 100 x 40 mm
* Full package weight: **TBD** * Full package weight: 110g
.. _beagley-ai-support-documentation: .. _beagley-ai-support-documentation:

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  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

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  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

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