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Commit 568566e5 authored by Deepak Khatri's avatar Deepak Khatri :dog:
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Merge branch 'bp-bcf-setup-basic' into 'main'

Basic beagleplay greybus demo docs

See merge request !61
parents 8ad1b353 e0278676
No related merge requests found
......@@ -115,6 +115,16 @@ Demos and tutorials
.. card::
:link: greybus-host
:link-type: ref
**Bealgplay Greybus Host**
.. admonition:: Complexity level
.. raw:: latex
......@@ -132,3 +142,4 @@ Demos and tutorials
.. _greybus-host:
BeagleConnect™ Greybus demo using BeagleConnect™ Freedom and BeaglePlay
BeaglePlay CC1352 Firmware
#. Download and setup Zephyr for BeaglePlay
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends -y \
gperf \
ccache dfu-util \
libsdl2-dev \
libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libssl-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libmagic1 \
libtool-bin autoconf automake libusb-1.0-0-dev \
python3-tk python3-virtualenv
tar xf zephyr-sdk-0.16.3_linux-aarch64_minimal.tar.xz
rm zephyr-sdk-0.16.3_linux-aarch64_minimal.tar.xz
./zephyr-sdk-0.16.3/ -t arm-zephyr-eabi -c
west init -m --mr sdk-next zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk
cd $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk
python3 -m virtualenv zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env
echo "export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=zephyr" >> $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env/bin/activate
echo "export ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/zephyr-sdk-0.16.3" >> $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env/bin/activate
echo "export ZEPHYR_BASE=$HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr" >> $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env/bin/activate
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr/scripts:$PATH' >> $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env/bin/activate
echo "export BOARD=beagleplay_cc1352" >> $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env/bin/activate
source $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env/bin/activate
west update
west zephyr-export
pip3 install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements-base.txt
#. Activate the Zephyr build environment
If you exit and come back, you'll need to reactivate your Zephyr build environment.
.. code-block:: bash
source $HOME/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-sdk/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env/bin/activate
#. Verify Zephyr setup for BeaglePlay
.. code-block:: shell-session
(zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env) debian@BeaglePlay:~$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.22.1
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (
(zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env) debian@BeaglePlay:~$ python3 --version
Python 3.9.2
(zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env) debian@BeaglePlay:~$ dtc --version
Version: DTC 1.6.0
(zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env) debian@BeaglePlay:~$ west --version
West version: v0.14.0
(zephyr-beagle-cc1352-env) debian@BeaglePlay:~$ ./zephyr-sdk-0.16.3/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/arm-zephyr-eabi-gcc --version
arm-zephyr-eabi-gcc (Zephyr SDK 0.16.3) 12.1.0
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
#. Clone CC1352 Firmware at top level:
.. code-block:: bash
git clone
#. Build the Firmware
.. code-block:: bash
west build -b beagleplay_cc1352 -p always cc1352-firmware
#. You can now find the built firmware at `build/zephyr/zephyr.bin`
#. Ensure the `gb-beagleplay` driver isn't blocking the serial port.
.. code-block:: shell-session
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ echo " fdtoverlays /overlays/k3-am625-beagleplay-bcfserial-no-firmware.dtbo" | sudo tee -a /boot/firmware/extlinux/extlinux.conf
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ sudo shutdown -r now
.. note::
The default password is `temppwd`.
#. Flash Firmware
.. code-block:: bash
west flash -b beagleplay_cc1352
#. Ensure the `gb-beagleplay` driver is set to load.
.. code-block:: bash
sudo sed -e '/bcfserial-no-firmware/ s/^#*/#/' -i /boot/firmware/extlinux/extlinux.conf
sudo shutdown -r now
Building gb-beagleplay Kernel Module
`gb-beagleplay` is still not merged upstream and thus needs to be built seperately. This should not be required in the future.
#. Disable bcfserial driver. Add `module_blacklist=bcfserial` to kernel parameters at `/boot/firmware/extlinux/extlinux.conf` (line 3).
#. Reboot
.. code-block:: shell-session
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ sudo shutdown -r now
#. Download the upstream module
.. code-block:: shell-session
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ git clone
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ cd beagleplay-greybus-driver
#. Install dependencies
.. code-block:: shell-session
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
#. Build Kernel moudle
.. code-block:: shell-session
debian@BeaglePlay:~/beagleplay-greybus-driver$ make
make -C /lib/modules/5.10.168-ti-arm64-r111/build M=/home/debian/beagleplay-greybus-driver modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.168-ti-arm64-r111'
CC [M] /home/debian/beagleplay-greybus-driver/gb-beagleplay.o
MODPOST /home/debian/beagleplay-greybus-driver/Module.symvers
CC [M] /home/debian/beagleplay-greybus-driver/gb-beagleplay.mod.o
LD [M] /home/debian/beagleplay-greybus-driver/gb-beagleplay.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.168-ti-arm64-r111'
Flashing BeagleConnect Freedom Greybus Firmware
#. Connect beagleconnect freedom to beagleplay
#. Build beagleconnect freedom firmware
.. code-block:: bash
west build -b beagleconnect_freedom modules/greybus/samples/subsys/greybus/net/ -p -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-802154-subg.conf
#. Flash bcf
.. code-block:: bash
west flash
Run Demo
#. Connect beagleconnect.
#. See shell output using `tio`
.. code-block:: bash
tio /dev/ACM0
#. Press reset button on beagleconnect freedom.
#. Verify that greybus is working by checking the `tio` output. It should look as follows:
.. code-block:: shell-session
[00:00:00.000,976] <dbg> greybus_platform_bus: greybus_init: probed greybus: 0 major: 0 minor: 1
[00:00:00.001,068] <dbg> greybus_platform_string: greybus_string_init: probed greybus string 4: hdc2010
[00:00:00.001,129] <dbg> greybus_platform_string: greybus_string_init: probed greybus string 3: opt3001
[00:00:00.001,190] <dbg> greybus_platform_string: greybus_string_init: probed greybus string 2: Greybus Service Sample Application
[00:00:00.001,251] <dbg> greybus_platform_string: greybus_string_init: probed greybus string 1: Zephyr Project RTOS
[00:00:00.001,251] <dbg> greybus_platform_interface: greybus_interface_init: probed greybus interface 0
[00:00:00.001,281] <dbg> greybus_platform_bundle: greybus_bundle_init: probed greybus bundle 1: class: 10
[00:00:00.001,312] <dbg> greybus_platform_bundle: greybus_bundle_init: probed greybus bundle 0: class: 0
[00:00:00.001,342] <dbg> greybus_platform_control: greybus_control_init: probed cport 0: bundle: 0 protocol: 0
[00:00:00.001,434] <dbg> greybus_platform: gb_add_cport_device_mapping: added mapping between cport 1 and device gpio@40022000
[00:00:00.001,464] <dbg> greybus_platform_gpio_control: greybus_gpio_control_init: probed cport 1: bundle: 1 protocol: 2
[00:00:00.001,556] <dbg> greybus_platform: gb_add_cport_device_mapping: added mapping between cport 2 and device sensor-switch
[00:00:00.001,556] <dbg> greybus_platform_i2c_control: greybus_i2c_control_init: probed cport 2: bundle: 1 protocol: 3
*** Booting Zephyr OS build bcf-sdk-0.2.1-3384-ge76584f824c8 ***
[00:00:00.009,704] <dbg> greybus_service: greybus_service_init: Greybus initializing..
[00:00:00.009,765] <dbg> greybus_manifest: identify_descriptor: cport_id = 0
[00:00:00.009,796] <dbg> greybus_manifest: identify_descriptor: cport_id = 1
[00:00:00.009,826] <dbg> greybus_manifest: identify_descriptor: cport_id = 2
[00:00:00.009,857] <dbg> greybus_transport_tcpip: gb_transport_backend_init: Greybus TCP/IP Transport initializing..
[00:00:00.010,101] <inf> greybus_transport_tcpip: CPort 0 mapped to TCP/IP port 4242
[00:00:00.014,709] <inf> greybus_transport_tcpip: CPort 1 mapped to TCP/IP port 4243
[00:00:00.014,953] <inf> greybus_transport_tcpip: CPort 2 mapped to TCP/IP port 4244
[00:00:00.015,075] <inf> greybus_transport_tcpip: Greybus TCP/IP Transport initialized
[00:00:00.015,136] <inf> greybus_manifest: Registering CONTROL greybus driver.
[00:00:00.015,167] <dbg> greybus: _gb_register_driver: Registering Greybus driver on CP0
[00:00:00.015,411] <inf> greybus_manifest: Registering GPIO greybus driver.
[00:00:00.015,411] <dbg> greybus: _gb_register_driver: Registering Greybus driver on CP1
[00:00:00.015,625] <inf> greybus_manifest: Registering I2C greybus driver.
[00:00:00.015,625] <dbg> greybus: _gb_register_driver: Registering Greybus driver on CP2
[00:00:00.015,777] <inf> greybus_service: Greybus is active
#. Load gb-beagleplay
.. code-block:: shell-session
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ sudo insmod $HOME/beagleplay-greybus-driver/gb-beagleplay.ko
#. Check `iio_device` to verify that greybus node has been detected:
.. code-block:: shell-session
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ iio_info
Library version: 0.24 (git tag: v0.24)
Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb
IIO context created with local backend.
Backend version: 0.24 (git tag: v0.24)
Backend description string: Linux BeaglePlay 5.10.168-ti-arm64-r111 #1bullseye SMP Tue Sep 26 14:22:20 UTC 2023 aarch64
IIO context has 2 attributes:
local,kernel: 5.10.168-ti-arm64-r111
uri: local:
IIO context has 2 devices:
iio:device0: adc102s051
2 channels found:
voltage1: (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 4068
attr 1: scale value: 0.805664062
voltage0: (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 0
attr 1: scale value: 0.805664062
No trigger on this device
iio:device1: hdc2010
3 channels found:
temp: (input)
4 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: offset value: -15887.515151
attr 1: peak_raw value: 28928
attr 2: raw value: 28990
attr 3: scale value: 2.517700195
humidityrelative: (input)
3 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: peak_raw value: 43264
attr 1: raw value: 41892
attr 2: scale value: 1.525878906
current: (output)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: heater_raw value: 0
attr 1: heater_raw_available value: 0 1
No trigger on this device
0% or .
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