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Commit 1fb8f637 authored by Jason Kridner's avatar Jason Kridner
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Merge branch 'main' of

parents 9303dc4e b897c6da
No related merge requests found
.. _beaglebone-blue-accessories:
.. _chassis_and_kits:
Chassis and kits
- `EduMIP <>`__
- `Pololu Romi Chassis with geared
motors <>`__
- `Wheel encoders <>`__
- `Chassis - Black <>`__
- `Sprout Runt Rover <>`__
.. _cable_assemblies_and_sub_assemblies:
Cable assemblies and sub-assemblies
Beware; purchased pre-made connector assembly wire colors may not
reflect true pin designations. These assemblies are readily available
from `Digi-Key <>`__,
`SparkFun <>`__, `Hobby
King <>`__, `Pololu <>`__ and
`Cables and Connectors <>`__.
.. _jst_connector_bundle:
JST Connector Bundle
.. _renaissance_robotics_jst_jumper_bundle:
Renaissance Robotics JST Jumper Bundle
| Four of the 2-pin JST ZH (1.5mm pitch) connectors, with 150mm 28AWG
wires, for motors,
| Eight of the 4-pin JST SH (1mm pitch) connectors, with 150mm 28AWG
wires, for encoders, UART, I2C, CAN, PWR, and
| Four of the 6-pin JST SH (1mm pitch) connectors, with 150mm 28AWG
wires, for SPI, GPS, GPIO, ADC.
| `Renaissance Robotics JST Jumper
Bundle <>`__
.. _conrad_beagleboard_kabel_bb_blue_kabelset:
Conrad BeagleBoard Kabel BB-Blue-Kabelset
| 10x 4-Pin JST-SH
| 6x 6-Pin JST-SH
| 4x 2-Pin JST-ZH
| 1x 3-Pin JST-ZH
| `BeagleBoard Kabel BB-Blue-Kabelset
( <>`__
.. _uart_i2c_can_quadrature_encoders_pwr:
UART, I2C, CAN, Quadrature encoders, PWR
4-wire JST-SH (1mm pitch)
- `4-wire Grove
cable <>`__
(`Digi-Key <>`__)
- `Hobby King SKU
258000190-0 <>`__
- `SparkFun PN 10359 <>`__
- `Cables and Connectors 4" ribbon PN
#4904 <>`__
- `Digi-Key
wires <>`__
- `Digi-Key
housings <>`__
.. _spi_gpio_adc:
6-wire JST-SH (1mm pitch)
- `Hobby King SKU
258000192-0 <>`__
- `SparkFun PN 10361 <>`__
- `Cables and Connectors 50cm length PN
#49406 <>`__
- `Digi-Key
wires <>`__
- `Digi-Key
housings <>`__
- `6-wire Grove cable (4
populated) <>`__
(`Digi-Key <>`__)
2-wire JST-ZH (1.5mm pitch)
- `Digi-Key
wires <>`__
- `Digi-Key
receptacle <>`__
3-wire JST-ZH (1.5mm pitch)
- `Pololu PN# 2411 <>`__
2S1P LiPo with 3-wire JST-XH (2.5mm pitch) charge connection
- `Hobby King 1000mAh 2S 20C
LiPo <>`__
- `Hobby King 1600mAh 2S 20C
LiPo <>`__
.. _power_supplies:
Power supplies
12V with 5.5mm/2.1mm center positive
- Jameco:
`supply <>`__
and `power
cord <>`__
- `Hobby King 12V 3A
supply <>`__
.. _motors_1:
.. _servo_motors:
Servo motors
- `Parallax Inc. 900-00005 Standard
Servo <>`__
- `Hobby King SKU
HD-1900A <>`__
- `TowerPro SG92R-7 <>`__
.. _dc_motors:
DC motors
6V, typically geared
- `SparkFun Hobby Gearmotor - 200 RPM
(Pair) <>`__
- `SparkFun Hobby Motor -
Gear <>`__
.. _radio_remotes:
Radio remotes
- `Hobby King OrangeRX satellite
receiver <>`__
- `Spektrum DSM2 Remote
Receiver <>`__
- `Sparkfun GPS Receiver - EM-506 (48
Channel) <>`__
- `Adafruit Ultimate GPS
breakout <>`__
- `Ublox Neo-M8N GPS with
Compass <>`__
- `SeeedStudio Grove -
GPS <>`__
.. _replacement_antennas:
Replacement antennas
- `LSR
PIFA <>`__
- LSR Dipole:
`antenna <>`__
`cable <>`__
- `Anaren U.FL 2.4GHz 6MM
Antenna <>`__
- `TI approved
antennas <>`__
.. _usb_devices:
USB devices
.. _usb_cameras:
USB cameras
- `Logitech
C270 <>`__
- `Logitech
C920 <>`__
.. _spi_devices:
SPI devices
.. _spi_tft_displays:
SPI TFT displays
- `Adafruit 2.4" LCD
breakout <>`__
.. _i2c_devices:
I2C devices
- See
`One-Liner-Module-Tests#Grove_I2C_modules <One-Liner-Module-Tests#Grove_I2C_modules>`__
.. _uart_devices:
UART devices
.. _computer_serial_adapters:
Computer serial adapters
- `Sparkfun FTDI Cable 5V VCC-3.3V
I/O <>`__
- `Adafruit FTDI Serial TTL-232 USB
Cable <>`__
.. _bluetooth_devices:
Bluetooth devices
- `WowWee Groove Cube
Speaker <>`__
.. _beaglebone-blue-code:
Play with the code
The board has some code built in to the system that can allow you to try
out the various options. They all start with rc
.. code:: bash
rc_balance rc_dsm_passthrough rc_test_encoders
rc_battery_monitor rc_kill rc_test_filters
rc_benchmark_algebra rc_spi_loopback rc_test_imu
rc_bind_dsm rc_startup_routine rc_test_motors
rc_blink rc_test_adc rc_test_polynomial
rc_calibrate_dsm rc_test_algebra rc_test_servos
rc_calibrate_escs rc_test_barometer rc_test_time
rc_calibrate_gyro rc_test_buttons rc_test_vector
rc_calibrate_mag rc_test_cape rc_uart_loopback
rc_check_battery rc_test_dmp rc_version
rc_check_model rc_test_drivers
rc_cpu_freq rc_test_dsm
Try them out to try out the various functions of the board. The source
code for these tests and demos is at `Robotics cape installer at
github <>`__
.. _beaglebone-blue-faq:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
.. _are_there_any_books_to_help_me_get_started:
Are there any books to help me get started?
The book `BeagleBone Robotic Projects, Second
Edition <>`__
specifically covers how to get started building robots with BeagleBone
For more general books on BeagleBone, Linux and other related topics,
.. _what_system_firmware_should_i_use_for_starting_to_explore_my_beaglebone_blue:
What system firmware should I use for starting to explore my BeagleBone Blue?
Download the latest 'IoT' image from As of this writing, that image is
Use for writing that image to a 4GB or larger microSD
Power-up your BeagleBone Blue with the newly created microSD card to run
this firmware image.
.. _what_is_the_name_of_the_access_point_ssid_and_password_default_on_beaglebone_blue:
What is the name of the access point SSID and password default on BeagleBone Blue?
| SSID: BeagleBone-XXXX where XXXX is based upon the board's assigned
unique hardware address
| Password: BeagleBone
.. _ive_connected_to_beaglebone_blues_access_point._how_do_i_get_logged_into_the_board:
I've connected to BeagleBone Blue's access point. How do I get logged into the board?
Browse to to open the Cloud9 IDE and get access
to the Linux command prompt.
If you've connected via USB instead, the address will be either or, depending on the USB
networking drivers provided by your operating system.
.. _how_do_i_connect_beaglebone_blue_to_my_own_wifi_network:
How do I connect BeagleBone Blue to my own WiFi network?
From the bash command prompt in Linux:
.. code:: bash
sudo -s (become superuser/root)
connmanctl> tether wifi off (not really necessary on latest images)
connmanctl> enable wifi (not really necessary)
connmanctl> scan wifi
connmanctl> services (at this point you should see your network
appear along with other stuff, in my case it was "AR Crystal wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk")
connmanctl> agent on
connmanctl> connect wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk
connmanctl> quit
.. _where_can_i_find_examples_and_apis_for_programming_beaglebone_blue:
Where can I find examples and APIs for programming BeagleBone Blue?
Programming in C:!manual-install
Programming in Python:
Programming in Simulink:
.. _my_beaglebone_blue_fails_to_run_successful_tests:
My Beaglebone Blue fails to run successful tests
You've tried to run rc_test_drivers to ensure your board is working for
DOA warranty tests, but it errors. You should first look to fixing your
bootloader as described
.. _im_running_an_image_off_of_a_microsd_card._how_do_i_write_it_to_the_on_board_emmc_flash:
I'm running an image off of a microSD card. How do I write it to the on-board eMMC flash?
Refer to the "Flashing Firmware" page:
Meanwhile, as root, run the
/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/ script which
will create a copy of the system in your microSD to a new single ext4
partition on the on-board eMMC.
.. _ive_written_the_latest_image_to_a_usd_card_but_some_features_arent_working._how_do_i_make_it_run_properly:
I’ve written the latest image to a uSD card, but some features aren’t working. How do I make it run properly?
It is possible you are running an old bootloader off of the eMMC. While
power is completely off, hold the SD button (near the servo headers)
while applying power. You can release the button as soon the power LED
comes on. This will make sure the bootloader is loaded from microSD and
not eMMC.
Verify the running image using
` <>`__
.. code:: bash
sudo /opt/scripts/tools/
The output will tell you which version of bootloader is on
the eMMC or microSD. Future versions of might further inform
you `if the SD button was properly asserted on
power-up <>`__.
One you’ve booted the latest image, you can update the bootloader on the
eMMC using
`/opt/scripts/tools/developers/ <>`__.
Better yet, read the `above
FAQ <>`__
on flashing firmware.
.. _ive_got_my_on_board_emmc_flash_configured_in_a_nice_way._how_do_i_copy_that_to_other_beaglebone_blue_boards:
I've got my on-board eMMC flash configured in a nice way. How do I copy that to other BeagleBone Blue boards?
As root, run the
`/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/ <>`__
script with a blank 4GB or larger microSD card installed and wait for
the script to complete execution.
Remove the microSD card.
Boot your other BeagleBone Blue boards off of this newly updated microSD
card and wait for the flashing process to complete. You'll know it
successfully started when you see the "larson scanner" running on the
LEDs. You'll know it successfully completed when it shuts off the board.
Remove the microSD card.
Reboot your newly flashed board.
.. _i_have_some_low_latency_io_tasks._how_do_i_get_started_programming_the_beaglebone_prus:
I have some low-latency I/O tasks. How do I get started programming the BeagleBone PRUs?
There is a "Hello, World" app at that
will get you blinking the USRx LEDS.
The `libroboticscape
software <>`__
provides examples that are pre-built and included in the BeagleBone Blue
software images for running the servo/ESC outputs and fourth quadrature
encoder input. You can use those firmware images as a basis for building
your own:
You can find some more at
.. _are_there_available_mechanical_models:
Are there available mechanical models?
A community contributed model is available at
.. _what_is_the_operating_temperature_range:
What is the operating temperature range?
\`0..70\` due to processor, else \`-20..70\`
.. _what_is_the_dc_motor_drive_strength:
What is the DC motor drive strength?
This is dictated by the 2 cell LiPo battery input, the `TB6612FNG motor
drivers <>`__ and the
`JST-ZH connectors <>`__
- Voltage: 6V-8.4V (typical)
- Current: 1A (maximum for connectors) / 1.2A (maximum average from
drivers) / 3.2A (peak from drivers) per channel
.. _beaglebone-blue-flashing-firmware:
Flashing Firmware
Most Beaglebones have a built in 4 GB SD card known as a eMMC (embedded
MMC). When the boards are made the eMMC is “flashed” with some version
of the Beaglebone OS that is usually outdated. Therefore, whenever
receiving the Beaglebone it is recommend that you update the eMMC with
the last version of the Beaglebone OS or a specific version of it if
someone tells you otherwise.
Required Items
1. Micro sd card. 4 GB minimum
2. Micro sd card reader or a built in sd card reader for your PC
3. Beaglebone image you want to flash.
4. `Etcher utility <>`__ for your PC’s OS.
Steps Overview
1. Burn the image you want to flash onto a micro sd card using the
Etcher utility.
2. Boot the Beaglebone like normal and place the micro sd card into the
board once booted.
3. Update the micro sd card image so its in “flashing” mode.
4. Insert micro sd card, remove power from the Beaglebone, hold sd card
select button, power up board
5. Let the board flash
Windows PCs
1. Download the `Beaglebone
OS <>`__ image you want to use.
2. Use the `Etcher utility <>`__ to burn the
Beaglebone image you want to use on the micro sd card you plan on
3. Make sure you don’t have the micro sd card plugged into your board.
4. Boot the board
5. Connect to the board via serial or ssh so that your on the command
6. Plug the micro sd card into the board.
7. Type dmesg in the terminal window
8. The last line from the output should say something like (the
numbering may differ slightly):
- ``"[ 2805.442940] mmcblk0: p1"``
9. You want to take the above and combine it together by removing the :
and space. For the above example it will change to “mmcblk0p1”
10. In the terminal window enter the following commands:
.. code:: bash
mkdir sd_tmp
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 sd_tmp
sudo su
echo "cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/" >> sd_tmp/boot/uEnv.txt
sudo umount sd_tmp
11. Now power off your board
12. Hold the update button labeled ``SD`` (the one by itself) to boot
off the sdcard.
13. Restart (RST button) or power up (while still pushing SD button).
Flashing can take some minutes. ## Linux/Mac PCs 1. Download the
`Beaglebone OS <>`__ image you want
to use. 1. Use the `Etcher utility <>`__ to burn the
Beaglebone image you want to use on the micro sd card you plan on using.
1. On the SD card edit the file ``/boot/uEnv.txt`` in order for the SD
card contents to be flashed onto the firmware eMMC. (Otherwise the BBBL
will do no more than boot the SD image.) Uncomment the line containing
``init-eMMC-flasher-v<number>.sh`` either manually or using these
commands substituting ``X`` with what your SD card shows in ``/dev/``:
\* ``sudo mount /dev/emmcblkXp1 /mnt`` \* ``cd /mnt`` \*
``sed -i 's_#[ ]*\(cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v[0-9]\+.*\.sh\)_\1_' boot/uEnv.txt``
1. Eject the sdcard from your computer.
2. Put it into your BeagleBoneBlue.
3. If your board was already powered on then power it off
4. Hold the update button labeled ``SD`` (the one by itself) to boot off
the sdcard.
5. Restart (RST button) or power up (while still pushing SD button).
Flashing can take some minutes.
How to tell if it is flashing?
At first a blue heartbeat is shown indicating the image is booted. On
flash procedure start, the blue user LEDs light up in a “larson scanner”
or “cylon” pattern (back and forth).
When finished, either all blue LEDs are on or the board is already
switched off.
If the LEDs are on for a long time then it may indicate failure
e.g. wrong image. Can be verified if boot fails, i.e. board turns off
again shortly after power up.
.. _beaglebone-blue-home:
BeagleBone Blue
To optimize BeagleBone for education, BeagleBone Blue was created that integrates many components
for robotics and machine control, including connectors for off-the-shelf robotic components.
For education, this means you can quickly start talking about topics such as programming and
control theory, without needing to spend so much time on electronics. The goal is to still be
very hackable for learning electronics as well, including being fully open hardware.
BeagleBone Blue's legacy is primarily from contributions to BeagleBone Black
robotics by `UCSD Flow Control and Coordinated Robotics Lab <>`_,
`Strawson Design <>`_, `Octavo Systems <>`_,
`WowWee <>`_, `National Instruments LabVIEW <>`_
and of course the ` Foundation <>`_.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _beaglebone-blue-ip-settings
IP settings
You will usually want to have a fixed ip if you are doing robotics, so
you have a standard ip to connect to. If you are already connected in
dhcp you can borrow some of the settings from that to use in your new
.. code:: bash
make a note of the default one, (in the example below
.. code:: bash
cat /etc/resolv.conf
make a note of the nameserver, (in the example below
In my case I wanted to do this,
.. code:: bash
sudo -s
connmanctl config wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk --ipv4 manual --nameservers
the –ipv4 says to use ipv4 settings (as opposed to ipv6), the manual
means we are setting the values. is the ip address we want.
(use your own of course). is the network mask
is the route to the internet. (You’re might be different, but this is
common). –nameservers says where to find the ip address for a
given domain name. the says use’s googles

923 KiB


288 KiB

.. _beaglebone-blue-pinouts:
BeagleBone Blue Pinouts
.. image:: media/BeagleBone_Blue_pinouts.png
:align: center
.. image:: media/pinout.jpg
:align: center
- Connector pinout
`details <>`__
from schematic(s)
- `Pin
Table <>`__
with some Blue : Black corelation.
UART (/dev/ttyS1)
.. code:: bash
config-pin P9.24 uart
config-pin P9.26 uart
UART (/dev/ttyS2)
.. code:: bash
config-pin P9.21 uart
config-pin P9.22 uart
.. _beaglebone-blue-rev-c-updates:
Rev-C updates:
- Update to dual-A53 processor
- Protect serial ports, QEP and others that could drive inputs while
power is off (at least 5V tolerance)
- Switch USB type-microB to USB type-C
- Add 5Gbps (SS) to USB type-C
- Add mux to support USB type-C host mode (cable flip support)
- Perform PD on USB type-C to enable charging when 20V is available,
drop barrel jack
- `Move MPU9250 to
SPI <>`__
- Swap out motor connectors
- Move up to 3S LiPo battery and 12V motors
- Add support for quad 3-phase motors
- Add BeagleConnect-compatible subG wireless
- Add +/- 12V support on ADC
- Add Pi-compatible CSI connector for camera
- Add 5GHz WiFi
- Add PCIe as alt-mode to USB type-C
- Add RS-485
- Switch to push-pull microSD card cage
- Use gold plated pins
- Power motors when running on USB type-C
- TODO: Consider 28V 3-phase motors
- Switch some connectors to Click Shuttle ribbon header
- Support I3C
- Support FD-CAN
- ~Switch to Atheros9K for WiFi~ Consider going with WiLink8 discrete
and 5GHz
- On-board audio codec
- PoE expansion
- MIDI expansion
- Multi-channel audio expansion
Features suitable to remove
- Bluetooth (not commonly used, whereas BLE and SubG can be more
- 2.4GHz WiFi (too much interference)
Example motors to drive
Brushed DC
- `DFRobot
FIT0441 <,%20DC&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_Product_Motors,%20Solenoids,%20Driver%20Boards/Modules&utm_term=&utm_content=Motors%20-%20AC,%20DC&gclid=CjwKCAjw26H3BRB2EiwAy32zhVs5Yf-JZ6fIOZlI79NlxhSv1wkXs-ZDEyYi8ZD7XIP9H9fyWHnxQxoCAmEQAvD_BwE>`__
- `Geartisan 12V
DC <>`__
3 phase (BLDC, 3 phase stepper, etc.)
- `Moon NEMA 17 3 phase
stepper <>`__
- `Primopal NEMA 17 3 phase
stepper <>`__ [
`$6 on
Alibaba <>`__
- `XXD A2212 KV1000
BLDC <>`__
- `OMC NEMA 23 3 phase
stepper <>`__
Proposed motor drive circuit
- Driver:
- [STRIKEOUT:Reference design:]
- [STRIKEOUT:Gate driver, shunt amp:]
- [STRIKEOUT:FET pairs (1/2 H-bridge):]
- Temperature sensor:
Issues to review
Integrate feedback from
- TAMU - -
- GT -
Blue GT feedback
- 24V DC input option in cabinets
- 24V/12V/5V DC output helpful for sensors
- 4-20mA loop (definitely!)
- ADC (big bottleneck) (brings to NI DAQ level)
- -12V to 12V
- Current measurement (currently rectifying)
- 12/14-bit is good enough as is SAR max
- 7/8 channels is good enough
- Flexible software configuration ideal
- How much tolerance? (not seen as much more than 12V)
- Enclosure is important
- Look at Automation Direct Productivity Open
- Look at
- Nice to have a block without doing extra jump
- Wired version would be more determinisitc
- OPC-UA, etc. when is time 0?
- 5GHz WiFi
- Better stock WiFi antennas
- Pi has better?
- USB dongle did better
- Better WiFi config
- Better PRU support
- High-school/undergrad-level
- Example code and interpreters
- Better support on image management
- eMMC to microSD
- Need to advertise it!
- Better community on-boarding
- Build on PRU and ADC advantages over Pi
IoT workshop in November
Review the GT cape
Linear position sensor cape just done
Thoughts on ribbon cables?
.. _beaglebone-blue-passowrd:
If you don’t have ssh installed, install it. (google is your friend)
Then `ssh debian@` The board will tell you what the password
is, on my it was `temppwd`.
To change your password use the command passwd it will ask you what your
current password is, then ask for the replacement. Then it will say it
was too simple and you have to do it again. Normal stuff.
If you want to insist on using your simple password, try this.
.. code:: bash
sudo -s
(become superuser/root)
enter your password
passwd debian
(put your simple password in)
(exit from superuser/root)
When you are running as root, passwd is more compliant and will accept
simple password
.. _beaglebone-blue-one-liner-tests:
BeagleBone Blue tests
- `Grove Rotary Angle
Sensor <>`__
See output on adc_1
`source <>`__
.. code:: bash
- Grove single GPIO output modules like `LED Socket
Kit <>`__
.. code:: bash
cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 49 >export;cd gpio49;echo out >direction;while sleep 1;do echo 0 >value;sleep 1;echo 1 >value;done
- Grove single GPIO input modules like `IR Distance
Interrupter <>`__
or `Touch Sensor <>`__
.. code:: bash
cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 49 >export;cd gpio49;echo in >direction;watch -n0 cat value
- Grove single GPIO output modules like `LED Socket
Kit <>`__
.. code:: bash
cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 97 >export;cd gpio97;echo out >direction;while sleep 1;do echo 0 >value;sleep 1;echo 1 >value;done
- Grove single GPIO input modules like `IR Distance
Interrupter <>`__
or `Touch Sensor <>`__
.. code:: bash
cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 97 >export;cd gpio97;echo in >direction;watch -n0 cat value
- `Grove GPS <>`__
.. code:: bash
tio /dev/ttyO1 -b 9600
- `GPS Receiver - EM-506 <>`__
.. code:: bash
tio /dev/ttyO2 -b 4800
.. _grove_i2c_modules:
Grove I2C modules
The Linux kernel source has some `basic IIO SYSFS interface
documentation <>`__
which might provide a little help for understanding reading these
entries. The ELC2017 conference also had `an IIO
presentation <>`__.
- `Digital Light Sensor <>`__
.. code:: bash
cd /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1;echo tsl2561 0x29 >new_device;watch -n0 cat 1-0029/iio\:device0/in_illuminance0_input
- `Temperature & Humidity
Sensor <>`__
.. code:: bash
cd /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1;echo th02 0x40 >new_device;watch -n0 cat 1-0040/iio\:device0/in_temp_raw
.. code:: bash
.. _beaglebone-blue-wifi:
WiFi Setup
On my network, I’m set up as ip 192.168.1.*. To turn your wifi on, do the following.
.. code:: bash
sudo -s
(become superuser/root)
cd /etc/network/
(Note the wifi inet address, if it is already set, you are done!)
tether wifi off
enable wifi
scan wifi
(at this point you should see your network appear along with other stuff, in my case it was "AR Crystal wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk")
nano interfaces
(or whatever editor you like)
remove the comment # from the wifi lines so it now appears like
##connman: WiFi
connmanctl> tether wifi off
connmanctl> enable wifi
connmanctl> scan wifi
connmanctl> services
connmanctl> agent on
connmanctl> connect wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk
connmanctl> quit
note that you will need to fill in your own network data
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