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# documentation build configuration file.
# References: 

import os
import sys
import re
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import pydata_sphinx_theme
from sphinx.ext.imgconverter import ImagemagickConverter

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Deepak Khatri committed
ImagemagickConverter.conversion_rules.append(('image/webp', 'image/png'))
rst_epilog =""

# Add latest images to rst_epilog
with open('latest.images') as f:
     rst_epilog +=    
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Deepak Khatri committed
# -- Project information --

project = 'BeagleBoard Docs'
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Deepak Khatri committed
copyright = '2024, Foundation'
author = ' Foundation'

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Deepak Khatri committed
# -- General configuration --

extensions = [
Mark Yoder's avatar
Mark Yoder committed
Ayush Singh's avatar
Ayush Singh committed
#graphviz_output_format = 'svg'

breathe_projects = {"librobotcontrol": "projects/librobotcontrol/docs/xml"}
breathe_default_project = "librobotcontrol"

exhale_args = {
    "containmentFolder": "./projects/librobotcontrol",
    "rootFileName": "index.rst",
    "rootFileTitle": "Robot Control Library",
    "createTreeView": True,
    "exhaleExecutesDoxygen": False,
    "doxygenStripFromPath": ".",
    "verboseBuild": False,

primary_domain = 'cpp'
highlight_language = 'cpp'

todo_include_todos = True
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Deepak Khatri committed
# Update (HTML) supported_image_types selection priority order
from import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
StandaloneHTMLBuilder.supported_image_types = ['image/webp', 'image/jpg', 
                                       'image/jpeg', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/png', 'image/gif']
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Deepak Khatri committed
# Update (PDF) supported_image_types selection priority order
from import LaTeXBuilder
LaTeXBuilder.supported_image_types = ['application/pdf', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png']

templates_path = ['_templates']

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Deepak Khatri committed
source_suffix = ['.rst']
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
templates_path = ['_templates']
Ayush Singh's avatar
Ayush Singh committed
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store', 'env', ".venv"]
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Deepak Khatri committed
html_theme = 'pydata_sphinx_theme'
html_theme_path = [pydata_sphinx_theme.Path()]
html_title = "BeagleBoard Documentation"
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Deepak Khatri committed
html_logo = "_static/images/logo.svg"
html_favicon = "_static/images/boris.svg"
html_sourcelink_suffix = ""
html_last_updated_fmt = ""
html_static_path = ["_static"]
# html_last_updated_fmt = "%b %d, %Y"
html_domain_indices = False
html_split_index = True
html_show_sourcelink = False
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
html_theme_path = [pydata_sphinx_theme.Path()]
html_baseurl = ""
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Deepak Khatri committed
html_css_files = [

html_sidebars = {
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Deepak Khatri committed

Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed

html_theme_options = {
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "header_links_before_dropdown": 4,
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "show_prev_next": True,
    "icon_links": [
            "name": "OpenBeagle",
            "url": "",
            "icon": "fa-brands fa-gitlab",
            "attributes": {"target": "_blank"},
            "name": "Docs",
            "url": "",
            "icon": "fa-solid fa-book",
            "attributes": {"target": "_blank"},
            "name": "Discord",
            "url": "",
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
            "icon": "fa-brands fa-discord",
            "attributes": {"target": "_blank"},
            "name": "Forum",
            "url": "",
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
            "icon": "fa-brands fa-discourse",
            "attributes": {"target": "_blank"},
            "name": "",
            "url": "",
            "icon": "_static/images/boris.svg",
            "type": "local",
            "attributes": {"target": "_blank"},
    "use_edit_page_button": True,
    "show_toc_level": 1,
    "navbar_align": "right",
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "show_nav_level": 1,
    "announcement": "Welcome to new site for docs!",
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    # "show_version_warning_banner": True,
    "navbar_center": ["navbar-nav"],
    "navbar_start": ["navbar-logo"],
    "navbar_end": ["theme-switcher", "navbar-icon-links"],
    # "navbar_persistent": ["search-button"],
    "footer_start": ["copyright"],
    "footer_end": ["last-updated"],
    # "content_footer_items": ["last-updated"],
    "secondary_sidebar_items": {
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
        "**": ["page-toc", "edit-this-page", "sourcelink"]
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
# parse version from 'VERSION' file
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Deepak Khatri committed
with open("VERSION") as f:
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Deepak Khatri committed
    m = re.match(
            + r"^VERSION_MINOR\s*=\s*(\d+)$\n"
            + r"^PATCHLEVEL\s*=\s*(\d+)$\n"
            + r"^VERSION_TWEAK\s*=\s*\d+$\n"
            + r"^EXTRAVERSION\s*=\s*(.*)$"

    if not m:
        sys.stderr.write("Warning: Could not extract docs version\n")
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Deepak Khatri committed
        version = "Unknown"
        major, minor, patch, extra = m.groups(1)
        version = ".".join((major, minor, patch))
        release_version = ".".join((major, minor))
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Deepak Khatri committed
        if extra:
            version += "-" + extra

release = version

# Variables here holds default settings
Jason Kridner's avatar
Jason Kridner committed
pages_url = ""
pages_slug = "latest"
gitlab_user = "docs"
gitlab_version = "main"
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
gitlab_url = ""
gitlab_repo = ""
docs_url = ""
# parse pages details from 'PAGES' file
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
with open("PAGES") as f:
    m = re.match(
            + r"^PAGES_SLUG\s*=\s*(\S+)$\n"
            + r"^GITLAB_USER\s*=\s*(\S+)$\n"
            + r"^PROJECT_BRANCH\s*=\s*(\S+)$\n"
            + r"^GITLAB_HOST\s*=\s*(\S+)$\n"
            + r"^PROJECT_REPO\s*=\s*(\S+)$\n"

    if not m:
        sys.stderr.write("Warning: Could not extract pages information\n")
        url, slug, user, branch, host, repo = m.groups(1)
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
        slug = "latest" if slug == "main" else slug
        pages_url = url
        pages_slug = slug
        gitlab_user = user
        gitlab_version = branch
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
        gitlab_url = host
        gitlab_repo = repo
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
        docs_url = "/".join((url, slug))
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
html_context = {
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "display_gitlab": True,
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "gitlab_url": gitlab_url,
    "gitlab_user": gitlab_user,
    "gitlab_repo": gitlab_repo,
    "gitlab_version": gitlab_version,
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "doc_path": "",
    "conf_py_path": "",
    "show_license": True,
    "pages_url": pages_url,
    "pages_slug": pages_slug,
    "docs_url": docs_url,
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "current_version": version,
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "versions": ("latest", "0.0"),
Deepak Khatri's avatar
Deepak Khatri committed
    "edit_page_url_template": "{{ my_vcs_site }}{{ file_name }}",
    "edit_page_provider_name": "OpenBeagle",
    "my_vcs_site": "",
    "reference_links": {
        "About": "",
Jason Kridner's avatar
Jason Kridner committed
        "Donate": "",
        "FAQ": ""
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Deepak Khatri committed
# -- Options for LaTeX output --

latex_elements = {
    "papersize": "a4paper",
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Deepak Khatri committed
    "maketitle": open("_static/latex/title.tex").read(),
    "preamble": open("_static/latex/preamble.tex").read(),
    "sphinxsetup": ",".join(
latex_engine = "xelatex"
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Deepak Khatri committed
latex_logo = "_static/images/logo-latex.pdf"
latex_documents = [
Jason Kridner's avatar
Jason Kridner committed
    ("index-tex", "beagleboard-docs.tex", "BeagleBoard Docs", author, "manual"),
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Deepak Khatri committed